Search for Fallen Firefighters on the Memorial Wall

Craig Nielsen

Department: San Diego

Deceased: January 13, 2004

Craig Nielsen Craig Nielsen began his career with the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department in 1974, eventually rising to the rank of captain in 1989. During his career, he spent several years in the department's fire communications center, where he served as dispatch captain and proved instrumental in the department's transition to a modern, computer-aided dispatch system. Craig loved the fire service and served the citizens of San Diego bravely over the course of his nearly 27-year career. Craig is survived by his wife, Leslie, and their son and daughter. He died in 2014 of a job-related heart attack at the age of 57.

On the Memorial

Located in Sacramento, the California Firefighters Memorial immortalizes the names of those lost in the line of duty. Learn more »

Wall Section Detail
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